Jun 25, 2016
Howard, JC and Larry discuss this past week in sports. ICONversation with Dennis Simmons, Oklahoma Sooners Lead Recruiter, Kevin Merida, The Undefeated’s Editor in Chief; LMAO: Greater Cliche Fellowship...
Jun 10, 2016
Remembering Muhammad Ali, The Greatest of All Times…Howard, JC and Larry discuss this past week in sports. ICONversation with Allan Houston, Louisville, KY Native, discussing Ali’s impact on his childhood and the world; LMAO: Uncle Ragus advises the Cavaliers and LeBron...
Jun 4, 2016
Howard, JC and Larry discuss this past week in sports. ICONversation with Markel Crawford, Univ. of Memphis Basketball Player; LMAO: My Prerogative by Russell Westbrook featuring the R Kelly Allstars!